Friday 11 November 2011

Comic 976 - Sail

There once was a man in a boat
When the wind made his sail start to bloat.
It blew off like a bubble
But he said “What's the trouble?
The main thing is, I am afloat.”

Original comic here.


  1. For some reason I like the limerick-to-two-haikus treatment:

    there once was a man
    in a boat with wind
    it made his sail start to bloat
    blew off a bubble
    but what's the trouble
    the main thing is I'm afloat.

  2. Intriguing idea, anonymous!

    I quite like just the first stanza:

    There once was a man
    in a boat when the wind made
    his sail start to bloat.

    (Though I'm afraid it shows up my rather primary-school-like syntax.)
